About Health Kidneys (KIDNEY ARE HOT!)Case Illustration
Bakti Sitorus looked pale, holding sheets of laboratory test results with a trembling hand. "So I had to wash the blood, Doc?" He asked repeatedly, as if in disbelief. 45-year-old man was very surprised to hear the verdict of the doctor who suggested that she should undergo dialysis throughout his life. He did not expect such a kidney is already damaged.
It's been seven years Bakti Sitorus suffer diabetes, but he rarely checked out and drink obatpun irregular. He did not think of a result of the continued illness. Three months later he is seen increasingly pale, often experience fatigue, peeing a little and the second this week both his legs were swollen, greatly reduced appetite, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. But he thought it was only due to common colds and the usual ulcer disease. If only, since once he knows that what he feels are the symptoms of the affected kidney, surely he would alert prevented as early as possible. Because according to doctors, what happened today, actually has been through a long process for many years, and could be prevented if discovered at the beginning. Bakti Sitorus regret, if only from the beginning he checked himself ...
Another case with Berti Naibaho, overweight women aged 50 years diligently each year to control their health. Because he realized that obesity is a risk factor that can bring disease, and one of them is a kidney disorder. And Berti Naibaho not want to risk having such cases Sitorus Bakti above, so he decided to stop as early as possible. Moreover, he never got the information from a seminar about how great our kidneys are in the "world kidney day" in March 2007.
Chronic Kidney Disease and Causes
Chronic kidney disease defined as presence of kidney damage where there is a decrease in renal function or increased excretion of albumin (protein) in urine that has lasted for three months or more. Generally caused by infectious diseases, diabetes, hypertension, obstruction factor (obstruction), urinary tract, toxins, autoimmune, or descent, such as polycystic kidney disease.
More than 500 million individuals, or one of every ten people in the world suffer from chronic kidney disease with kidney damage levels vary. At least 1.5 million people had to undergo dialysis (dialysis) in order to survive, and wait about seven years for a transplant (transplant), kidney, rose when conditions (physical, psychological, immunological, cost, etc.) allows. In the calculation, more than 36 million people will die early in the year 2015 because of chronic kidney disease, heart disease and stroke.
Early vigilance and World Kidney Day
Generally people are not vigilant with their kidneys, because the light levels, renal disorders are often not perceived. Disorders can get worse until the kidneys are not functioning in the end. If so, then what can be done is dialysis or kidney transplantation. So, not surprisingly, if the warnings that falling world kidney day on Thursday in the second week of March each year to take a central theme, "Are Your Kidney OK?" (Are your kidneys OK?).
World Kidney Day was celebrated again for the third time on March 13, 2008. This means that once again we are all reminded that our kidneys work so well and efficiently in maintaining our health. Both of our kidney bean-shaped seeds which each kidney is only a length of about 12 cm, width 6 cm and 3 cm thick, can filter and clean the approximately 200 pints of blood each day, HOT is not it?
Kidney Hebatkah How We Work?
He - to maintain our blood pressure.
- Maintain balance of fluids in our body so it does not swollen, nor dry.
- Maintain the acidity of our blood so we are relieved breath
- Keeping the mineral content of our body so the body is able to work optimally, even maximal
- Perform a myriad of other work that tricky tricky
but the most important are:
- Remove remaining residual processing of foodstuffs and beverages in the body into the urine so it does not accumulate in the blood that can lead to poisoning
- Regulate body water and minerals
- Issuing a variety of hormones including the hormone that helps the bone marrow to produce red blood cells so that sufficient living, not pale.
Who are the risk?
Those who have high risk factors against the possibility of renal involvement are:
They are diseased diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
Those with high blood pressure (hypertension)
Those who are overweight or smokers
Those aged> 50 years
Those who have families who suffer from a disease of diabetes, hypertension or kidney disease.
They are "MUST" come see a doctor and ask "WHAT IS MY KIDNEY OK?", Do not wait until complaints arose.
Detection and Prevention
With a simple examination that is by using a bit of blood and urine samples of these questions could be answered.
Doctors, patients, health workers and industry must unite in cooperation and committed efforts of early detection and treatment of chronic kidney disease, a disease that is common, harmful but can be prevented.
So we immediately check that both kidneys are great, so its function remains OK!
Medan, February 29, 2008
papers have been published in the newspaper ANALISA MEDAN
Posted by Linasrg MD